Virtual Communication

Virtual Communication. TRAININGS
Captivate your audience. Network like a pro.

Another Zoom Presentation, or just a daily video call with your boss and colleagues, or virtual job interview – and you already feel the stress and anxiety just by reading it? Right! It can be stressful. It can be unpleasant. Does not have to be though. 

Join our interactive trainings. We have many tips and tricks to share, and you will do enough exercises to get you prepared for that BIG VIDEO CALL.


"Connect and Impress. Virtually"

  • Get out of your comfort zone and explore the unknown of virtual communications
  • Nail the basics of virtual etiquette
  • Learn how to look confident on camera. 
  • Practice to turn around provocative questions into something positive (and to your best advantage).
  • Get 3-steps formulas for captivating your audience with your messages
  • Uncover 5 ways to network online like a pro 

  • In-person session (3 h)
  • Live Online session (2.5 h)
  • Self-paced learning (2 h)
  • Individual or customized modules
  • Practical exercises 
  • Access to the top  communications tools, templates and tactics 
  • Your personal mini-guide to successful communications.  
  • Best ‘At Home’ video conferencing set up
  • Make your Body Language your superpower
  • From a Manager to a Broadcast star
  • Netiquette
  • What and How you Say It
  • Practice and shine at the job interview (optional)
  • More details: PDF brochure.

You only have 7 seconds to make a first impression. So make it good!

  • Sharpen your communication skills
  • Get confident speaking on camera
  • Use the secret power of body language (works even online)
  • Discover  the latest netiquette trends.


Looking to build your brand, share your great stories, or need to protect your reputation? Book a call to explore how we can help. 


Questions, ideas, suggestions? Send us a message and we’ll get back within 48 hours. 

Contact us

Lausanne, Switzerland | +41 79  5585951 
Denver, CO, USA  | +1 303 4751945


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